Ready to share content?

  1. After logging into the IUOE website, click the Training tab.
  2. Click Training Management Library button on the left. 
  3. Click the Access Dashboard button.
  4. Now you're inside the dashboard to upload your collections or review past collections that you've shared. 
  5. Click the Create new collection button at the top. 
  6. Select an image to upload under Cover
  7. Enter the Collection Title and Description under Info. Be as descriptive as possible. The year the content was created, the source, the module titles, etc., are all helpful information.
  8. Choose a Category.
  9. Add Tags. Tags make the content searchable. Add as many helpful tags as possible so others can find your content.
  10. Add your files under Collection files. Please note that only the following formats are accepted: PDF, DOC, JPG, PNG, MOV, MPG. (Zip files and folders are not accepted at this time.)
  11. (Optional) Add links.
  12. Almost done! Select an action below:
    • Click Preview to review your collection before submitting for approval. You may only submit once. 
    • If you have more content to add to the collection but need a little more time, click Save as draft so you can come back to it in the future.  
    • Ready to have your content reviewed by the approver? Click Submit and sit back or gear up to share another collection.